One of the most basic reasons for seeking relationship counseling is the need for help in overcoming trust problems. A counsellor will help you with the rebuilding of the foundation of trust.
2. Fights
The love replaced by the conflict and arguments. If it is hard to end and it's pattern increase then you should need help.
3. Communication
You and your partner misunderstood or ignore each other and don't want to talk about your feeling then you need a skilled counselor who can rebuild the communication bridge.
4. You All Lost It
If you have no idea what you doing wrong or what are the things you are missing in your relationship then you can go for counseling. Couples counseling is useful not only for solving problems but also for recognising them.
5. Love Spark Faded
After spending a decade or more together, two partners to feel like the "spark" is gone, Not a soul mates live like roommates. TO bring it back again you can consider relationship counselling.
There are many more reasons that will motivate you to go for relationship counselling. If you are having these issues in your relationship then you must look for help.
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