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Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Signs of Insecurity in a Relationship

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There are many signs that your relationship might be unhealthy and that you might be experiencing insecurity for some cause.

insecurity in relationship

  • Your loved one isn't really emotionally close to you.
  • Your partner no longer wants to be around you, despite always wanting to spend time with you. 
  • Your partner is frequently unhappy or agitated.
  • Your partner frequently exhibits controlling or jealous tendencies
  • You frequently get into disputes and confrontations with your partner because you need their affirmation all the time.
  • You lack confidence in yourself or have low self-esteem and experience loneliness.

Having relationship insecurity symptoms does not always indicate that your relationship is unhealthy; on occasion, you may feel insecure for reasons unrelated to your relationship that affect how you feel within.

If your relationship is expressing signs of insecurity, it's essential to look into the possible causes of these feelings and consider whether you and your partner can overcome them.

Read more: Insecurity Meaning In A Relationship

Monday, 25 November 2019

6 Ingredients for a Successful Relationship

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Relationships can be assumed as a difficult recipe. A recipe needs certain ingredients essential to create a delicious and excellent dish. While baking or cooking, it is necessary to follow the directions and take the measurements, set forth by the recipes.

If you use the wrong ingredients, or miss any ingredients, or use inappropriate amount, then you are risking messing up the dish. Your recipes will either taste a bit off or totally destroyed, rendering it uneatable. Relationships work same as recipes; they need a lot of ingredients to work and in the appropriate quantity are important.

The incorrect ingredients or wrong mixture of these ingredients can make a relationship unhealthy, unstable, or even abusive that leads to a painful break-up. So people need to be careful about what they put into their relationship to make them healthy and long-lasting partnerships.

Here are some ingredients that are necessary if you want to have a successful relationship:

Communication-  Healthy communication is one of the most important ingredients or component to have a healthy relationship with your partner. Lack of communication or miscommunication may lead to relationship failure.

Communication lets couples to stay on the same page and resolve any conflict in effective and productive ways. Listening to each other’s concern is important to value and hear individual feelings. If you feel you are not able to communicate your concerns to your partner then you can also consider relationship counselling experts to know the effective ways for putting your concerns to your partner.

Trust- Trust is the foundation of any relationship. Honesty, Transparency and clarity are vital to build and maintain trust in a relationship. Trust is built on dependability and reliability and does not come easily, particularly for a person who has been deceived earlier. Trust is fragile and broken once can be very hard to get back together. It is about being there protecting one another’s hearts and keeping promises.  

Intimacy- Physical and emotional intimacies are also important for a healthy relationship. Emotional intimacy helps a couple stay connected and sync with each other. It helps in developing a sense of safety and security with each other. Physical intimacies like holding hands, cuddling, and physical relations should be the top priority to preserve the romance in a relationship.

Working Together and Sharing the Responsibilities – The key to a healthy and successful relationship is to work together share responsibilities of household and parenting. Working together allows couples to create a stronger connection and to get over obstacles and difficult situations together.

Respect- Having respect for each other is significant to develop a healthy relationship. Partners are required to respect each other’s opinions, thoughts, aspirations and dreams. Individuals in a relationship have to respect each other’s concern despite being disagreed with them.

Friendship- Enjoying your partner’s company, laughing with them, and having fun together as true friends help you to build a strong bond with your partner. Building romance and love upon a strong friendship make a relationship, long-lasting.  

Recipes can be complex and challenging sometimes. Even most skilled chefs and bakers use their creativity and instincts to prepare a dish. Relationships are so much like that. Relationships are messy, tricky and complicated. To make them happening these necessary ingredients needed to be present in the right amounts. Creativity and instincts also are an important part to have a healthy relationship as every relationship is different not the same. 

Friday, 22 November 2019

5 Tips To Build-up A Meaningful Relationship With Your Partner

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According to a family and marriage therapist – A true relationship is created on trust, respect and equality, a marriage and family therapist. Where partners can easily share what they need and how they feel.

They share a deep bond of security and protection. They always have each other’s backs. Throughout the worst times—from feeling sick, to grieve about terrible loss, they both are there to support each other’s sides.

According to a family marriage therapist- in a true relationship one where can feel free to be yourself. Feel accepted, connected, wanted and cherished. And you make your partner feel the same.

A meaningful relationship does not just happen simply. Sometimes, the ingredients required are already there. But generally, they make meaning, independently as individuals by making it assured we are being clear, thoughtful and compassionate; and as a couple together giving priority to the relationship with constructive communication and fighting fair.

In different words, if you want to know how couples can create and cultivate meaningful relationships, find the tips below:

Make conflict Nonviolent – A very common mistaken belief is that fights are a sign that you are not in a good relationship. Though, it is the opposite that relationships that do not have fights and conflict usually have years of rejection of their needs and pushing everything under the mat.

In a healthy and meaningful relationship, both partners navigate conflict constructively. But that does not mean cursing, yelling, blaming your partner or getting defensive. But it means to be present and available to your partner. This means acknowledging the pain of your partner and comforting them.

Experts suggest that conflict between partners is an opportunity to make your bond stronger. When a partner tells another about the insecurities they have like I feel that I don’t matter to you anymore, then another one should apologise and explain their importance by taking advantage of this opportunity.

Explore your Role - Many people try to run away from conflicts by thinking that how terrible, offensive their partner is and how poorly they behaved.

Instead, thinking that, try to put the spotlight on yourself. Because chances are that you also did not behave that great. For example, one may ask themselves such questions as how could they have handled it differently or could have contained themself better, or have controlled themself differently. How things could have been said more relationally or respectfully.

If couples realize their behavioural offences and their role, they will start finding themselves in a meaningful relationship.

Listen with your full heart - Meaningful relationships require emotional support from each other. Listen to what your partner wants and be honest and curious about how they feel and what they think. This is not always good to prove a point or to be right. When it comes to listening, listen with the intention of understanding where it coming from, and set aside your agenda.

Probing is good in a relationship to understand what makes them feel that they don’t matter. Understand well and clear the misunderstanding.

Talk your heart out -Be vulnerable, especially at the time of conflict. It may mean saying that you are hurt right now and apologize that you were not there for them when they were alone. Assure them that you want to fix this and will work together with them. If there is a lack of trust then you can ask a close friend or relative to mediate or for a non-biased approach take the help of relationship counselling.

Provide a roadmap. To have a meaningful relationship with your partner you need to be transparent and specific about your needs. Tell your partner what comforts you and what can make you feel comfortable when you feel insecure.

It may be the case, that you do not know, that your needs are the priority for your partner. Lots of people do not. This is why it is suggested to check in with yourself and identify what you want or what you need and express to your partner. Because until you do not know, what are your needs and desires are, you can’t expect your partner to know.

Again, meaningful relationships are those that are sincere, safe and honest. Partners are genuine and vulnerable with one another. They empathize and work over the conflict, and use it to give a boost to their strong bond.

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Are You Ready To Get Married?

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Do you freak out when you think about the wedding? You are in love and now you decide to get together? and you are not so sure about this big step you are taking? So my friend you are not alone. Falling in love is simple, but taking the next step is tough. Most of the people encounter the same difficulties when they start to think about getting married to their loved one. They start to think about the pro and cons of their decision to get married. 

marriage counseling

Here are some common interests that Appear 

1. People think when they get married they losses their freedom example- going out with fellows, coming back late night etc.

2. Spending all the time with someone, 24 hours a day

3. Thinking about the right time. The right time to get engaged or taking big steps for life.

4. Responsibility, Am I ready to take responsibility both of us. Start questing about their confidence. 

5. The big one is fear of failure, What if I failed in future as a husband/wife, What if these things don’t work out as we planned?

Marriage counseling online

What to do to solve these issues. See the list. 

1. to solve these problems you should face your fear. Acknowledge the fear of failure. Encourage yourself to fully experience this fear. Once you understand that what you are feeling is natural and occurs to everyone, you are already on the way to master it.

2. Talk it out man, talk with your partner, In 80% cases, both experiencing the same problems and talking about it with your partner will increases your understanding and makes you recognise that you and your partner both are in this together.

3. The best thing you can do seek advice from those you trust more your best man. Talk to buddies or elders who have been through it and ask them how they dealt with the same concerns. You can also go for online marriage counseling. They got professional counselor who will provide you marriage guidance

4. And in last the question about losing your freedom. Ask your self  Am I losing freedom or obtaining someone to share? In married life you got someone on your side to assist and help you with all your life problem is not it wonderful. So don't worry about your freedom it will not taken away by anyone. Take another step in your relationship and enjoy the beautiful journey of life.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

How Couples Therapy Can Save Your Relationship?

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How couples therapy can save your relationship? Ok, you are here to know the answer to the question. So before we begin First let me tell you about couples therapy so you can understand better. Couple therapy is a form of mental therapy used to identify relationship issues and provide appropriate methods to resolve them for both individuals and couples.  The goal of couples therapy is to re-establish a healthier level of working in duos who experience relationship crisis.

In every relationship, couples love and fight with each other but some times fights increases and it seems not gonna stop by yourself.  Now, this is the time you should look for help and consider couple’s therapy.

couples therapy

Here are some ways by which couple therapy can save your relationship.

1. Couple therapy can help you to control the fights and avoids a break up. In the sessions, your therapist will help you discover the issues you should take care of to stop fighting and also you will learn to calm down and stop fights from increasing.

2. You will learn about mutual respect. You will understand the real meaning of perfectionism. Couples who are in a fight with each other often think it’s all their partner’s fault. They see themselves as perfect. A couple’s therapist immediately makes you understand that both of you are accountable for mistakes.

3. A therapist will provide you with a kind of environment where you can speak your heart out and you both will learn to control your tempers while talking to each other.

4. Couple therapy will help you to work out on those issues you were scared to bring up. A therapist helps you feel more relaxed talking about the stuff you were scared to say earlier.

5. Counselling sessions will uncover problems you didn’t even know existed. Sometimes it’s difficult to see the actual issues when you’re on the core. A counselor will help you to find the underlying issues that are tearing your relationship apart.

If you still have your inquiries on how counseling helps, Then you should visit online counseling. You can get free online therapy or free online counseling there.

Monday, 25 March 2019

Break up | How To Deal With A Breakup Pain?

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Break up, One of the most challenging situations in life faced by many couples. Effects of a break up can be disastrous because you are going to have a tough time not thinking about your ex, you will be moaning more, and you will be sad. If you are having a hard time and want to deal with breakup then you should read this.

How To Deal With A Breakup Pain?

deal with a breakup

Here are 4 points you should focus on to deal with a breakup pain.

1. Adopt Being Single Again - Now its time that you should move on with your life. Accept that you are single again. Help yourself to forget the memories of your ex.

2. Take A Break - The dangerous thing you can likely do after breaking up with your partner i.e. looking for someone else to date instantly. Hold your horses, Dating will not help you at this moment. Take a pause and give some time to heal yourself. Evaluate what was wrong in that relationship.

3. Be with Yourself - Give time with yourself. Go to a coffee shop and rest, or go to the park and think. This is the only way you can recover after a breakup.

4. Don't Celebrate - People often do mistakes likes this, They celebrate their break up like it was a good thing happen with them but it is not. A relationship in which you nurture with your love and give your valuable time and after all gone you are going to celebrate it.. Not a good idea. You may be eager to party and drink or eat your sadness away. However, that will only make things unfavourable because that stops you from letting your sentiments

Instead of partying your grief away, go and talk to a trusted companion or even a therapist or counselor if you must to assist you to sort through your emotions.

5. Be Honest – Ask yourself some serious questions i.e. Are you really ready to start seeing again? Are you actually over your ex? If you can respond to these questions genuinely, then you are making development. Even if the response is no to both, you are recognising that you are still trying to recover from the painful break up.

Hope these tips are adequate to help you to get over your break up. Try these and see if you are recovering the worst thing a human can face in his life.  If you think you are still in pain then look for free online counseling or free online therapy. Talking with a counselor will help you to deal with a breakup.

Read more:

Love quotes in telugu, love failure quotes in telugulove failure quotes, love failure quotes in tamil

Tips For Having a Great Relationship

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In human life, we always want to have a perfect relationship with everyone. The social life of human can't survive without the support and for the support, we make relations with one another it could be romantically, emotionally, and physically. For a great relationship, we need to put a lot of effort to make it work as we want. here are some tips for having a great relationship.

great relationship

Tips For Having a Great Relationship

1. First thing first Love yourself. If you are satisfied with who you are means you’ll be a comfortable companion. So love yourself.

2. Speak up. Tell your feelings to your partner how much you love him. How he/she is so special for you?  If you’re unsettled, say so. Share everything. Communicate with each other. Don’t skip to let them recognise when something they do makes you happy.

3. Be Faithful with each other regarding what you do, reminisce, and sense. Honesty builds trust. Few things cripple a relationship more than dishonesty. 

4. Be ready to forgive and ask for pardon. No one is perfect. At some point in every relationship there comes a time when you will think now it's over. Ask him/her to forgive your mistakes and be ready to accept your partner’s apologies.

5. Give Support. Always be there when he/she achieves something. Remember the promises you took together when you about to committed to each fall in love with each other.

These are some tips to make a healthy and longlasting relationship with your partner. Don't let break up come near to you. If you feel something is not right in your relationship, talk about it or seek help. There is various platform who provide free online counseling. Reach out to them.

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In the complex dance of marriage, where two people set out to embrace a common dream and share in its joys and frustrations together, commun...

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