Saturday, 23 May 2020

How to Help Your Relationship Survive a Lockdown

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For many us being locked up with our partner and working from home together is a novel situation may trigger up a variety of emotions. It is a comfy break for some couples as they have a chance to spend more quality couple time which was interrupted by daily tasks, responsibilities, long office hours, parenting etc.

Now that we are spending all the time with our partner, how do we set apart various aspects like our office work, relationship and me-time?

Follow these Rituals to Survive Transitions

Rituals bring a sense of security, stability and familiarity specifically for those who are creatures of habits and feel overwhelmed in uncertainty and chaos. For couples, these rituals can help them form a structure to their daily routines as couples and as working professionals during this lockdown.

·         Wake up at the same routine
·         Transition to work-  have separate workstations, check-in with each other when you have  breaks, have a meal together
·         Have me-time as prioritizing alone time helps to fill and recharge ourselves so that we can give our best to our work and family.
·         Have date nights at home or through a video call.
·         Have your meals without screens.
·         State of the Union meeting (A term coined by relationship expert Dr Gottman) once a week meeting to discuss frustration, stressors, challenges with a partner.
·         Fun couple activities like playing the card game, a board game, watching a movie or series together
·         Stick to sleep routine.

The couples who relied on the emotional distance and space they are used to can have more tough times. A lot of couples could be escaping from taking a look at the cracks in their relationship. While in lockdown, in China, the number of domestic violence cases reported to the local police increased significantly in February, as being forced to stay together in limited spaces might bring up-

·         Cannot encounter relationship challenges under the carpet
·         Triggers
·         Unsolved emotional wounds
·         Feeling stuck
·         Abusive/emotionally negligent relationships might intensify to become more unstable and volatile

If both partners are emotionally approachable, taking the time out to opening up the can of worms can help their relationship

Seek the help of loved ones, neighbours, therapists, relationship counselling or abuse helplines for support and relief in cases of unhealthy relationships.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Online Counselling: It's Time To Talk When...

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There lie so many emotions and thoughts behind "I’m fine", so much of holding up behind the smile. Hence, most of us reach out for help at our breaking point.

Can Counseling help with a difficult childhood where the parents, peers, close ones didn’t quite understand you and let you down?

Can it help us move on after the first relationship fails to deliver what it promised to? When we feel love has evaded us and loneliness has crept in.

When it’s difficult to trust a significant other or a spouse, can a counselor help us understand why and how of our feelings?

Or when you fail to trust yourself to deliver your best at work, relationship or family and overwhelmed while managing all? The guilt of “not doing much” has hit you hard.

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'There was a stretch of emptiness as soon as I switched off from work. So I stretched my work hours, instead. #L #Loneliness better'

Can it help you make tough decisions when there seems to be a rift between how you feel and what you believe? Or say live with those decisions that didn't quite go well?

Just in case you are wondering, the answer to all of the above is YES.

In psychotherapy, we untangle the complex thinking patterns and biases that we develop over time naturally. To quote a few,

Bottled up past hurt can be the cause of unusual anger

Unmet expectations can cause biases leading to a distorted pattern of decision making

Absence of communication and presence of assumptions can complicate a relationship.

Marriage Counselling Questions to Ask Your Partner

In the complex dance of marriage, where two people set out to embrace a common dream and share in its joys and frustrations together, commun...

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