Saturday, 30 November 2019

How to Help Yourself after a Breakup

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It is not easy to move on from the pain, after a painful break-up with your ex. But after a heart-break, it is normal to feel gloomy. There is no vulnerable or weaker time in someone’s life than that after a breakup. Remaining strong post a breakup can seem to be impossible.
No matter what the situations, it is hard for everyone. 

Although in some cases it can be significantly harder than others, for instance for those being cheated on or left for the other woman. In fact who broke up with whom or it was mutual, does not always matter, it is painful and far too easy to get drawn back into a position that you know is not good for you. 

That is the reason why relationship breakups hardly stick at first attempt. Usually, partners hurt each other a few times before it finally happens. It is a torture, and the sad part is that we do it to ourselves.

Here are the tips about how someone can stay strong after a breakup and move on to better things.

Let Yourself Cry

You have to release painful emotions out or they will stay to haunt you and eat you alive. Denying your feelings can make things worse. So let cry, feel sad, let yourself be angry and grieve with pain. Allow yourself until you feel sorry for yourself and be sure to pick yourself up and make a resolution to move on.

Write It Out.

Writing is extremely therapeutic. No matter how close you were there is always something left out to say. Doesn’t matter how many times you said it out you will never feel satisfied this is where writing will work.

Get Support from Closed Ones

Seek out emotional support from your family and friends. Don’t do it alone, it makes everything ten times worse. When your significant one is not there in your life, you may feel a big deep hole in your heart. And the way to fill it is to get love and support from the people in your life.

Follow the No Contact Rule

It is would be impossible for you to stay strong if you still are in contact with your ex after a breakup. Stop. If you wish to move on, you must cut off contact. If it seems too much to bear, then just do not think of it as forever. But stay away from contact. Your focus should be on moving on and staying strong.

Forgive and Move On

For you it may not be possible to forgive them, but who cares? Move on as this is not about him, it’s more about you. Holding on anger and bitterness is slow poison and you will hurt yourself only. So let it go. Forgive and Forget to move on.

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

How To Understand If you Are Sad or Depressed

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It is very normal sometimes to feel a bit down, anxious or stressed, as daily issues related to career and society can fuel temporary bursts of sorrows and make you feel a bit “off.” While it is natural not to feel best every day if you are obsessed by a relentless sense of anguish that stops you to enjoy the things you love the most, then it is the time to look closely at your feelings.

Although the very common sign of depression is a deep sense of despair, still depression many times also influences people in other ways. Not every depressed person experiences have the same symptoms and the intensity can be different depending on the circumstances of an individual or person.

On the other hand, Feeling sad is a normal human response to difficult times and sooner or later goes away. This sense can be assumed a little part of the depression, and few people with depression also may not be sad at all. 

If you find it difficult to determine whether you are depressed or only sad for some reasons, here are some points to think through. As per the therapists, if you are having any of these symptoms for approximately half a month, then chances are that you have depression.

Lack of Concentration

If you find it difficult to meet with commitments, deadlines, or routine errands appear to slip-up and seem fuzzy, it can also be a sign of depression. 

Trouble concentrating, memorizing or decisions making is an outcome of your mind being preoccupied with feelings of sadness that leads to blurred thinking and perhaps certain strange and out-of-character resolutions.

Increased or decreased Appetite

As depression makes you reserved and checked out, it can result in loss of appetite. Forgetting your meals or losing interest in preparing or cooking for yourself, is the common symptoms. 

The opposite can also occur, you may experience improved hunger driven to overeating, as the body may use food binges as a basis of comfort.

Irresistible Sense of Fear

Another symptom is panic thoughts or feeling anxious. More than the worrying about new circumstances, anxiety is an endless sense of obsessive and panicked thoughts that may cause physical symptoms as well, like an unstable heartbeat, sweating and sleep problems.

Losing Interest Hobbies and Activities

Possibly you have always planned for a Monday-night dance class or scrapbooking many loving memories, but when the day comes you don’t find that motivation or longing to do it. If this results in avoiding lots of outings and experiences, then it is something serious. 

Depression can make you unconcerned about your interests and hobbies that once provided you joy, therefore stopping these activities that could improve your mood. Depression Counselling helps you to understand how to avoid such negative thought and come back to normal life again.

These are only a few possible symptoms of depression, at any stage your routine life and normal activity gets disturbed by these major symptoms, which means assessing further. Depression is not a significant weakness or a character flaw and is not something you can simply shake. 

If you be certain that you are experiencing any symptoms of depression, it is essential to seek out professional help. A therapist or psychologist can help you by talking to you on your issues and by teaching you to how to acknowledge your emotions and cope up with the negative thoughts.

Monday, 25 November 2019

6 Ingredients for a Successful Relationship

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Relationships can be assumed as a difficult recipe. A recipe needs certain ingredients essential to create a delicious and excellent dish. While baking or cooking, it is necessary to follow the directions and take the measurements, set forth by the recipes.

If you use the wrong ingredients, or miss any ingredients, or use inappropriate amount, then you are risking messing up the dish. Your recipes will either taste a bit off or totally destroyed, rendering it uneatable. Relationships work same as recipes; they need a lot of ingredients to work and in the appropriate quantity are important.

The incorrect ingredients or wrong mixture of these ingredients can make a relationship unhealthy, unstable, or even abusive that leads to a painful break-up. So people need to be careful about what they put into their relationship to make them healthy and long-lasting partnerships.

Here are some ingredients that are necessary if you want to have a successful relationship:

Communication-  Healthy communication is one of the most important ingredients or component to have a healthy relationship with your partner. Lack of communication or miscommunication may lead to relationship failure.

Communication lets couples to stay on the same page and resolve any conflict in effective and productive ways. Listening to each other’s concern is important to value and hear individual feelings. If you feel you are not able to communicate your concerns to your partner then you can also consider relationship counselling experts to know the effective ways for putting your concerns to your partner.

Trust- Trust is the foundation of any relationship. Honesty, Transparency and clarity are vital to build and maintain trust in a relationship. Trust is built on dependability and reliability and does not come easily, particularly for a person who has been deceived earlier. Trust is fragile and broken once can be very hard to get back together. It is about being there protecting one another’s hearts and keeping promises.  

Intimacy- Physical and emotional intimacies are also important for a healthy relationship. Emotional intimacy helps a couple stay connected and sync with each other. It helps in developing a sense of safety and security with each other. Physical intimacies like holding hands, cuddling, and physical relations should be the top priority to preserve the romance in a relationship.

Working Together and Sharing the Responsibilities – The key to a healthy and successful relationship is to work together share responsibilities of household and parenting. Working together allows couples to create a stronger connection and to get over obstacles and difficult situations together.

Respect- Having respect for each other is significant to develop a healthy relationship. Partners are required to respect each other’s opinions, thoughts, aspirations and dreams. Individuals in a relationship have to respect each other’s concern despite being disagreed with them.

Friendship- Enjoying your partner’s company, laughing with them, and having fun together as true friends help you to build a strong bond with your partner. Building romance and love upon a strong friendship make a relationship, long-lasting.  

Recipes can be complex and challenging sometimes. Even most skilled chefs and bakers use their creativity and instincts to prepare a dish. Relationships are so much like that. Relationships are messy, tricky and complicated. To make them happening these necessary ingredients needed to be present in the right amounts. Creativity and instincts also are an important part to have a healthy relationship as every relationship is different not the same. 

Friday, 22 November 2019

5 Tips To Build-up A Meaningful Relationship With Your Partner

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According to a family and marriage therapist – A true relationship is created on trust, respect and equality, a marriage and family therapist. Where partners can easily share what they need and how they feel.

They share a deep bond of security and protection. They always have each other’s backs. Throughout the worst times—from feeling sick, to grieve about terrible loss, they both are there to support each other’s sides.

According to a family marriage therapist- in a true relationship one where can feel free to be yourself. Feel accepted, connected, wanted and cherished. And you make your partner feel the same.

A meaningful relationship does not just happen simply. Sometimes, the ingredients required are already there. But generally, they make meaning, independently as individuals by making it assured we are being clear, thoughtful and compassionate; and as a couple together giving priority to the relationship with constructive communication and fighting fair.

In different words, if you want to know how couples can create and cultivate meaningful relationships, find the tips below:

Make conflict Nonviolent – A very common mistaken belief is that fights are a sign that you are not in a good relationship. Though, it is the opposite that relationships that do not have fights and conflict usually have years of rejection of their needs and pushing everything under the mat.

In a healthy and meaningful relationship, both partners navigate conflict constructively. But that does not mean cursing, yelling, blaming your partner or getting defensive. But it means to be present and available to your partner. This means acknowledging the pain of your partner and comforting them.

Experts suggest that conflict between partners is an opportunity to make your bond stronger. When a partner tells another about the insecurities they have like I feel that I don’t matter to you anymore, then another one should apologise and explain their importance by taking advantage of this opportunity.

Explore your Role - Many people try to run away from conflicts by thinking that how terrible, offensive their partner is and how poorly they behaved.

Instead, thinking that, try to put the spotlight on yourself. Because chances are that you also did not behave that great. For example, one may ask themselves such questions as how could they have handled it differently or could have contained themself better, or have controlled themself differently. How things could have been said more relationally or respectfully.

If couples realize their behavioural offences and their role, they will start finding themselves in a meaningful relationship.

Listen with your full heart - Meaningful relationships require emotional support from each other. Listen to what your partner wants and be honest and curious about how they feel and what they think. This is not always good to prove a point or to be right. When it comes to listening, listen with the intention of understanding where it coming from, and set aside your agenda.

Probing is good in a relationship to understand what makes them feel that they don’t matter. Understand well and clear the misunderstanding.

Talk your heart out -Be vulnerable, especially at the time of conflict. It may mean saying that you are hurt right now and apologize that you were not there for them when they were alone. Assure them that you want to fix this and will work together with them. If there is a lack of trust then you can ask a close friend or relative to mediate or for a non-biased approach take the help of relationship counselling.

Provide a roadmap. To have a meaningful relationship with your partner you need to be transparent and specific about your needs. Tell your partner what comforts you and what can make you feel comfortable when you feel insecure.

It may be the case, that you do not know, that your needs are the priority for your partner. Lots of people do not. This is why it is suggested to check in with yourself and identify what you want or what you need and express to your partner. Because until you do not know, what are your needs and desires are, you can’t expect your partner to know.

Again, meaningful relationships are those that are sincere, safe and honest. Partners are genuine and vulnerable with one another. They empathize and work over the conflict, and use it to give a boost to their strong bond.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

20 Inspirational Quotes To Boost Your Confidence Daily

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Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day.

Enjoy the moments you're living in, they don't last forever.

What others think about you is not important. What you think about yourself means everything.

Keep the Faith. The most amazing things in life tend to happen right at the moment you're about to give up hope.

Sometimes, things just aren't meant to be. Sometimes, no matter how bad you want it, you gotta let it go.

There are many things in life to be thankful for, so don't let one ungrateful individual ruin your entire day.

God only gives three answers to prayer: 1. 'Yes!' 2. 'Not yet.' 3. 'I have something better in mind.

The harder the life, the stronger you'll become. The stronger you become, the easier the life will be.

Live life today and deal with tomorrow when it comes. We can't control how our life begins or ends. We can only control how we live it.

"We CAN change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish."  - Tony Robbins

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

People don't always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand them.

Making someone smile when they're feeling down is one of the best feelings in the world.

Faith is having a positive attitude about what you can do and not worrying at all about what you can't do.

Never give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, you can never go wrong.

Your words mean nothing when your actions are the complete opposite.

Sometimes the only thing that people see is what you did when in fact they should be looking at why you did it.

Honestly, I'm glad I met everyone in my life. The good and the bad. The good make me thankful, the bad make me learn my lessons.

I'm sad, hurt, angry, mad, disappointed. But you know what? I'll put on a happy face and move on. It will hurt but I will survive.

Believe in yourself, push your limits, and do whatever it takes to conquer your goals.

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Wednesday, 6 November 2019

How Being Grateful Blesses Your Life !

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You must have heard this many times, particularly when things don’t work your way. But do you know why people tell this to you? Does it work, can u lead a happy life by being grateful? If all such questions come to your mind for even for a moment, maybe its time to get answers.

It may not be easy for anyone to be grateful for anything when there are still many things we haven’t achieved. We see people around us who have more than us, and we have to face so many problems daily. But researches have consistently proved that gratitude is related to positive energies such as happiness and contentment, good health, stable relationships, and greater resilience.

To clarify, two psychologists lead research where contestants were distributed into two teams; one was told to write about the things that they felt grateful for, the other was told to write about the things that had irritated them. After a few weeks, the first team or gratitude team was considerably more optimistic, happy and more positive in their daily lives. Are you still thinking how did it happen?

Find here the top five ways to practice gratitude and how it is beneficial for you:

Gratitude helps us making meaningful relationships

Your appreciation helps you keeping old friends close to you, and gives strengths to your relationships by realizing the importance of people in your life and how much they matter. Gratitude helps you in attracting new friends in life as thanking someone out of your contacts make you seem more approachable.

Gratitude makes you strong mentally

As amazing as it sounds, gratitude lessens the toxic feelings of frustration, envy, and all negative beliefs. Lots of scientific researches have found a bond between gratitude and human well-being. Some studies even have proved that gratitude help in increasing happiness and protects from depression. It makes you prepared to deal with hard situations and negative emotions. To practice gratitude, you can also take help of online counselling or consult a therapist.

Gratitude makes you a lot calmer

People with gratitude, usually behave more sensibly even when the people ill-treat them. According to the studies, people with higher gratitude levels, react less aggressively, when they have to handle negative feedback. Being grateful makes is easier to react to those unfavourable situations with calmness.

Grateful people have a good night sleep

Taking out only 15 minutes to jot down things you feel grateful for, before you go to bed, make you feel calm and sleep longer and better. And even help you wake up in a positive mood, more refreshed and set to go on the day.

Being grateful improves self-esteem

Studies have proved that gratitude helps in overpowering the tendency to compare ourselves to someone else. So in place of feeling envious of other people with more money and better jobs, you accept other people’s achievements and appreciate your own, by being grateful.

Gratitude doesn’t immediately improve your situation, weaknesses, and struggles, but practising it, does help us to focus on our progress with all that we already have achieved and how far we have come. By following these simple techniques to practice gratitude regularly such as writing journal before sleeping, reflecting on our approach to work, by  following meditation tracks, or online counselling, we can easily develop gratitude.

Monday, 4 November 2019

Staying Positive in Tough Times Helps You to Feel Better and Happier!

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You can or can't. Anyways, one thing will be true! These words, by Henry Ford, emphasize, on how going on in life with a spontaneous, POSITIVE, attitude, often, leads for living the healthiest, happiest, and less stressful lives. So if you think that you can, you definitely will. This advice particularly, emphasizes on how we generally are, either are our own best friends or, occasionally, can become our own worst enemy. 

In most of cases, the people who are the happiest have the best opportunity, for better overall mental health, as they are supposed to less possibility to procrastinate, and go through far less stress, and tension. Keeping it in mind, this read will brief, examine, consider, review, and debate, using the prompt approach on how our attitude and mind can affect our complete health, happiness, and wellbeing.

1. Priorities- planning – process – preferences - pleasure: These five Ps, are important to consider and ensure that your priorities make sense to you. This needs active planning, with well-considered proactive plans that are necessary to establish, the best practice, for one’s individual needs, and requirements. One should ask himself if his or her personal preferences take along significant pleasure and happiness.

2. Options and opportunities:  One should carefully consider the best options and their alternatives to take the best advantages. So when you feel you are ready, and fully prepared, to identify the finest opportunities, simply go on proactively, on the best path.

3. Strengths, Solutions, Stronger: Besides wasting your time worrying about If It would be or would not be beneficial, take advantage of your strengths and focus on possible solutions. When someone makes efforts, productively, to become, stronger consistently, he will considerably live a happier life!

4. Integrity, ideals, ideas - It never works to lie, to yourself, but it may benefit you if you maintain total and genuine integrity, particularly about yourself. Let your principles, bring into line with your ideas that matter most to you.

5. Time – tested and timely - Besides reinventing -the wheel, taking advantage of time-tested methods that have been helpful earlier, makes more sense. Never delay rather, proceed with experienced methods in a well-considered and timely manner!

6. Imagine, innovate, intentions – Can your imagination help you as a friend or damage as a foe. Are you able to innovate own self? How much practice do you need to identify or understand your intentions and prioritize things accordingly?

7. Vitality, values, visions - When we improve our vivacity and try to become a person of value, who upholds their own essential values and struggles to attain his visions, we feel happier and become more fulfilled!

8. Energize, Emphasize, Endurance, Excellence – Attempt every possible thing that you can, by using your energy, to boost your existence. Emphasize what supports, maintaining endurance, and then proceed, with the highest point of genuine excellence.

Positive people are one of the happiest and healthiest ones. So now what you are going to you’re your enhanced health, happiness, and well-being?

You should follow the above approaches to create a happy and positive environment around yourself. But if you feel any negative thoughts are haunting you and you are not able to deal with situations, consider taking help of professional therapy or counseling services that are reliable. You can also choose from online counseling for stress and anxiety-related issues that you are not able to deal with to bring back your happiness.

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In the complex dance of marriage, where two people set out to embrace a common dream and share in its joys and frustrations together, commun...

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