Monday, 25 March 2019

Break up | How To Deal With A Breakup Pain?

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Break up, One of the most challenging situations in life faced by many couples. Effects of a break up can be disastrous because you are going to have a tough time not thinking about your ex, you will be moaning more, and you will be sad. If you are having a hard time and want to deal with breakup then you should read this.

How To Deal With A Breakup Pain?

deal with a breakup

Here are 4 points you should focus on to deal with a breakup pain.

1. Adopt Being Single Again - Now its time that you should move on with your life. Accept that you are single again. Help yourself to forget the memories of your ex.

2. Take A Break - The dangerous thing you can likely do after breaking up with your partner i.e. looking for someone else to date instantly. Hold your horses, Dating will not help you at this moment. Take a pause and give some time to heal yourself. Evaluate what was wrong in that relationship.

3. Be with Yourself - Give time with yourself. Go to a coffee shop and rest, or go to the park and think. This is the only way you can recover after a breakup.

4. Don't Celebrate - People often do mistakes likes this, They celebrate their break up like it was a good thing happen with them but it is not. A relationship in which you nurture with your love and give your valuable time and after all gone you are going to celebrate it.. Not a good idea. You may be eager to party and drink or eat your sadness away. However, that will only make things unfavourable because that stops you from letting your sentiments

Instead of partying your grief away, go and talk to a trusted companion or even a therapist or counselor if you must to assist you to sort through your emotions.

5. Be Honest – Ask yourself some serious questions i.e. Are you really ready to start seeing again? Are you actually over your ex? If you can respond to these questions genuinely, then you are making development. Even if the response is no to both, you are recognising that you are still trying to recover from the painful break up.

Hope these tips are adequate to help you to get over your break up. Try these and see if you are recovering the worst thing a human can face in his life.  If you think you are still in pain then look for free online counseling or free online therapy. Talking with a counselor will help you to deal with a breakup.

Read more:

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Marriage may be a self-defined relationship wherever two individuals decide to single way of life,
Marriage is the method by that two individuals build their relationship public, official, and permanent. it’s the joining of two heart that putatively lasts till death.


Bride: A woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her.

Love is love, no matter how old you are, and I knew that if I gave you enough time, you’d come back to me.” – Nicholas Sparks

Forgiveness Is the Best Form of Love. It Takes Strong Person to Say Sorry and an Even Stronger Person to Forgive.

The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having someone worth waiting for – Jessica Brumley

I am absolutely, definitely, positively, unquestionably, beyond any doubt, in love with you.

If still facing issue in marriage , Get Online Marriage counseling and make your relationship beautiful.

Read more: 

Love quotes in telugu, love failure quotes in telugulove failure quotes, love failure quotes in tamil

Tips For Having a Great Relationship

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In human life, we always want to have a perfect relationship with everyone. The social life of human can't survive without the support and for the support, we make relations with one another it could be romantically, emotionally, and physically. For a great relationship, we need to put a lot of effort to make it work as we want. here are some tips for having a great relationship.

great relationship

Tips For Having a Great Relationship

1. First thing first Love yourself. If you are satisfied with who you are means you’ll be a comfortable companion. So love yourself.

2. Speak up. Tell your feelings to your partner how much you love him. How he/she is so special for you?  If you’re unsettled, say so. Share everything. Communicate with each other. Don’t skip to let them recognise when something they do makes you happy.

3. Be Faithful with each other regarding what you do, reminisce, and sense. Honesty builds trust. Few things cripple a relationship more than dishonesty. 

4. Be ready to forgive and ask for pardon. No one is perfect. At some point in every relationship there comes a time when you will think now it's over. Ask him/her to forgive your mistakes and be ready to accept your partner’s apologies.

5. Give Support. Always be there when he/she achieves something. Remember the promises you took together when you about to committed to each fall in love with each other.

These are some tips to make a healthy and longlasting relationship with your partner. Don't let break up come near to you. If you feel something is not right in your relationship, talk about it or seek help. There is various platform who provide free online counseling. Reach out to them.

Friday, 22 March 2019

What is a Sapiosexual?

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Before you get in the definition of sapiosexual first you need to understand the meaning of the word 'sapiosexual'. Sapiosexual is obtained from the Latin term sapiens, which means intelligent or smart, and sexual, which relates to the sexes.


What is a Sapiosexual?

A sapiosexual is somebody who is attracted to or stimulated by the intelligence of other personalities. A person who is sapiosexuals prefers intelligence more than any other quality in a possible associate. Although intelligence is a part we generally look for when seeking for our right match, sapiosexuals make intelligence the top condition. In general term, you can say a person fall in love with a person mind.

The study suggested that when a person falls in love there are two things that are matters more than any other thing Chemistry and personality. Most people are normally attracted to features such as kindness, charm, understanding, knowledge, and charity. With sapiosexuals, it is a mind that is the biggest draw and the sensual aspect of a possible partner or pal.

Hope this article clear your dought about the sapiosexual. If you still looking for more clarity about what is sapiosexual, Click on sapiosexual meaning to more.

Read Also: sapiosexual meaning in hindi , grief meaning in hindi , sapiosexual meaning  , anxiety meaning in hindi

What is Women Empowerment?

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People have a different opinion on the definition of women empowerment. For me being empowered means having the capability and manage to do what you want to without looking at someone for approval or validation.

What is Women Empowerment?

women empowerment

It’s not the same as not being collaborative or not asking directions. Lack of empowerment is more about not owning the confidence that your choice will not be countered or even having a worry of being criticised.

Sometimes women empowerment is mixed with women having a self-governing stream of earnings. Both are different. You have noticed intelligent women at highly paid professions and not being capable to do anything individually, while some not so expert homemakers running families with their own. Women empowerment is an attitude, including economic, sensitive, thoughtful, passionate, job, at every character of the person and it comes from considering strongly for oneself and for everyone else around.

If you still confused on the topic of women empowerment, Then you should consider visiting betterLYF. On betterLYF you will find a variety of women empowerment essay and women empowerment article. Hope you will find all the answers related to women empowerment there.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

How To Manage Generation Gap?

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Generation Gap is a natural phenomenon where younger generation feels misunderstood by old generation like their parents, Grand Parents or elders because of their age group, It is due to change in Social, culture, emotion changes along with time. This gap tends to further drifts between children and parents.

generation gap

Every Generation has a different thought process and a different way of looking situation and reaction against them.

It is very difficult to reduce the generation gap, so we should try to manage the generation gap Reuther than reduce the generation gap.

It requires lots of understanding and patience.

There are some tips that can manage Generation gap.

  • When A Limit is Surpassed

  • Solve Your Problems

  • Expect The Best

  • Do Not Criticize

  • Do Not Get Caught In The Middle

  • Cooperate with your family

BetterLYF offers online counseling for generation gap, apart from that BetterLYF also offering relationship, stress & anxiety, marriage counseling and many more.

Monday, 18 March 2019

Signs Of Inferiority Complex That You Know

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Inferiority complex is a feeling of not doing sufficient in any given venture, It is an own perception of deficiency rising from the overcompensation of other’s accomplishments/aims covering yours. It can be a conflict between the wish to be noticed and recognised and the fear or concern of being denied. This sentiment is often mental. know about the signs of inferiority complex.

  Top Signs Of Inferiority Complex That You Should Know

1. False Attitude - when a person does not feel good about himself the same he thinks about others. They don't participate in others happiness. He got a wrong attitude towards others and making believe that he always right and others are wrong.

2. The Blame Game - People who are dealing with inferiority they always try to hide their weakness and try to point out other weaknesses.

3. Feeling Of Mistreatment-  When a person fails to do their task and start thinking that a particular person wants him to fail or mistreatment have the problem of inferiority complex.

4. Not Open for Criticism - If a person feels inferior, They will not open for any kind of criticism for their own shortcoming. They will not attend to notice any form of judgment, despite how sensitively and constructively it is impersonated, as a personal offence.

5. Negative Attitude About Competition-  A person who is dealing with inferiority complex has a strong desire to win the game/event but they will avoid these situations because inside they believing that he cannot win. They avoid competing with others.

If you are having these signs of inferiority complex then you should start looking for help. Inferiority Complex can ruin your life. Reach out to online counselling, You can find experience online counsellor who will guide you and help you to deal with inferiority complex

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In the complex dance of marriage, where two people set out to embrace a common dream and share in its joys and frustrations together, commun...

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