
Tuesday 26 December 2023

Marriage Counselling Questions to Ask Your Partner

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In the complex dance of marriage, where two people set out to embrace a common dream and share in its joys and frustrations together, communication is the key to holding everything together. Yet in reality, it can be challenging to maintain open and honest channels of communication. The answer is simple. If you're in the early stages of marriage or simply want to rekindle that spark after many years of marriage whatever your situation may be, the strength and effectiveness of intentional talk cannot be underestimated.

Marriage counselling is like a compass, leading couples through their marriage's myriad emotions and intricate world. But fundamentally, good counselling requires skill in asking questions—direct and indirect probes that seek to penetrate beyond the superficialities of social exchanges to explore the deep spirit underlying people's choices or common hopes.

This article explores the world of marriage counselling topics geared towards strengthening the structures of your relationship. With these questions, posed with care and curiousness of heart, we are not just seeing if something is wrong but searching for a way outward. Explore the questions of personal exploration, compassion, and happy memories that can enrich your marital relationships through this journey.

Understanding Each Other's Needs

Explore the inner world of your partner's emotional landscape. What makes them feel loved, cared for, and comprehended? These are not such questions, fixed in space and time. They must change with the rise and fall of life itself. Open the channels of communication by asking questions such as: When times are tough, what kind of emotional solace do you seek? What can I do to make you feel like your voice is being heard? By listening attentively and being curious, couples can discover the subtle lines of each other's emotional landscape.

The important thing to be clear about is that these needs are not necessarily the same. For some, all they need is words of encouragement; for others, it's a helping hand or just hanging out together. The trick, therefore, is to create an environment where both partners are free of fear when expressing their needs. This mutual awareness is the foundation on which a solid and successful relationship can be formed.

In addition, getting to know each other's requirements is not something you do just once. Life changes and priorities can change along with them. This kind of periodic rehashing helps to keep both parties aware of the ups and downs in each other's emotional lives. In these times of weakness and mutual disclosure, that is when you know how strong the relationship can be--when it's built on empathy, tolerance, and a sense of being able to make sure each person gets what he needs most from love.

Navigating Conflict and Resolution

First, explore the origins of patterns of repetition. What is it that sets off these disputes, and what hidden desires are being satisfied? One must therefore raise issues that take time to dig out the real problems behind the conflict. But this calls for a fine balance between active listening and empathy--a willingness to listen.

Secondly, there is the question of how to resolve conflicts healthily. What kind of communication styles do they need, and how can the two complement one another when under pressure? Are there standard "timeouts" or methods proportionate to defusing disputes? By asking these kinds of questions, couples can construct an arsenal that effectively resolves conflicts and raises awareness of the growth that comes with understanding.

During marriage counseling, the couple talks with each other and learns active listening methods. This means listening not only with ears but also with heart and spirit. For example, what can I do so that when we are arguing, you will feel listened to? How can our conflict resolution process be more focused and mutually respectful?

Conflict should not just be a process of unraveling; it must also allow for more intimacy. The value of these questions is that they focus on post-conflict reflection. What lessons have we drawn from this dispute? So how can this experience help us grow closer? By viewing conflicts as opportunities for learning, couples can turn moments into a chance to make their partners stronger and cooperate. In the end, conflict and resolution depend on solid relationships built upon mutual respect, communication, and concern to ensure that whatever happens in their relationship doesn't destroy it.

Shared Goals and Aspirations

Start by analyzing individual life objectives, aspirations, and dreams. Where do you see yourself, personally and professionally, in the next few years? If couples can get an inkling of each other's ambitions, they may see more clearly where their hopes are compatible and where a compromise should be reached.

In addition, it is imperative to have a dialogue on common hopes in the context of this relationship. As a couple, what are we looking for? Whether it's keeping a steady income, having children, or going travelling together, reading each other's blueprint for the future makes their foundation even stronger. Questions like how are our individual goals mutually complementary and in what ways can they support each other become avenues for collaborative planning.

The process of goal-setting and realization is a journey in which the partners become closer. This involves not only rejoicing in its victories but also giving aid to it when faced with difficulties. Questions such as what to do about overcoming obstacles and who should take the initiative in promoting shared goals foster a collective spirit of cooperation. They also strengthen the idea that marriage is an interdependent relationship where one works toward common dreams together

Roles and Responsibilities

The talk must begin with an examination of each partner's respective expectations and perceptions of their responsibilities within a relationship. Which responsibilities are natural or satisfying to each of you, and which might be stumbling blocks? By making the principles and expectations behind roles explicit, couples have a channel to reveal where stress arises and work together to build an environment that suits both parties.

There is an essential part of this dialogue that involves the negotiation of every role over time. Life itself is a journey of movement and change, consisting of many stages. Therefore, questions such as "What changes do we need to make in our roles? How can it adapt itself to my needs with this rearrangement of life tasks? " Allow for constant discussion and help the partners become flexible.

In online marriage counselling, we ask couples to agree upon how responsibilities will be divided so that both parties feel free and at peace with themselves. This extends to everything from household chores, taking care of the children, and financial matters, right down to emotional support. Exploring such issues as how to make responsibilities fair or what can be done together about our respective roles opens up a common space in which problems can be discussed.

Thursday 16 March 2023

What Is Family Therapy?  And It's Techniques 

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Family therapy is a form of care intended to assist with issues that specifically affect the mental health and functioning of families. It can support each family member in establishing closer ties, enhancing communication, and resolving disputes among themselves. Family therapy can promote transformation in close relationships by enhancing how family members relate to and interact with one another.

Making the house a better place to live, resolving family conflicts, and comprehending the particular problems a family may experience are some of the main objectives of family therapy. Family counseling is found to be effective in dealing with family problems and it may change a lot of things for you. 

Types of Family Therapy

Family types

Family Systems Therapy- Family systems therapy is a technique that focuses on assisting individuals in utilizing the benefits of their interpersonal connections to get over mental health issues.

Functional Family Therapy- Functional family therapy is a brief therapy that is frequently used with young people who have issues with hazardous conduct, aggression, or substance abuse. It fosters mutual respect and trust amongst individuals while assisting families and teenagers in finding solutions.

Narrative Family Therapy- Family members are encouraged to share their own stories as part of narrative therapy to better understand how their life experiences have shaped who they are and how they interact with others. Working with this story enables the individual to see issues from a broader perspective rather than simply through their limited perspective.

Psychoeducation- This form of therapy focuses on educating family members about mental health issues. Family members can work together as a strong support system if they have more information regarding medications, treatments, and self-help techniques.

Supportive Family Therapy- Supportive family therapy aims to create a secure space where family members can openly express their emotions and get support from one another.

What Family Therapy Can Help With

In many instances, handling family issues more holistically has shown to be very successful. Families can address their issues in family therapy under the direction of a mental health professional in a secure setting.

Family therapy

The advantages of family therapy are as follows:

  • Increased communication, 
  • Improved problem-solving, 
  • Deeper empathy, 
  • A better knowledge of family dynamics and healthy limits,
  • Less conflict, and improved anger control abilities.

More specifically, family therapy can strengthen family bonds through

  • Reuniting the family after a crisis; 
  • Fostering openness and trust among family members;
  • Establishing a safe and nurturing home environment;
  • Eliminating sources of tension and stress within the family;
  • Assisting family members in forgiving one another.

Family members can learn how to better communicate their thoughts and want and resolve problems in a way that is less likely to harm relationships because this type of treatment focuses on communication. 

This kind of treatment also focuses on how to help a specific family member who is struggling. Family therapy, for instance, can assist change some circumstances that occasionally contribute to the problem if one member of the family has a mental health disorder.

When someone has a mental condition, family members may occasionally be unsure of how to assist. As a result, people could take actions that worsen or sustain certain symptoms of the illness.

Family Therapy Techniques

Family therapy techniques

The methods used in family therapy often vary depending on the needs of the family and the therapist's theoretical perspective. Among the techniques that could be used are:

Behavioral techniques: These approaches frequently center on skill development and psychoeducation to assist family members in addressing particular issues. For instance, modeling and role-playing could be utilized to assist family members in improving their communication.

Psychodynamic techniques: These approaches involve evaluating how each member of the family interprets and reacts to the issues they are dealing with. To explore new emotional insights and more effective methods of responding, the therapist collaborates with the family.

Structural Techniques: Techniques that help family members manage boundaries and power relationships are referred to as structural techniques. These methods can assist families in establishing new boundaries and routines that will enhance family functioning.

Family therapy techniques emphasize raising emotional awareness, helping families deal with significant changes, encouraging individuals in accepting things outside of their control, and enhancing cooperation and communication.

What Happens in Family Therapy?

Your journey will normally start with an examination, as it does with the majority of therapeutic approaches. This is the time when you meet with a therapist to explain the challenges you are experiencing and the areas in which you would like assistance.

Your therapist can now go over how they will be able to support you and talk about a schedule for subsequent appointments. Typically, the entire family will be seen in one room for this therapy so that everyone can hear and speak to one another. Nonetheless, there are situations when therapists will work with single people, married couples, or a specific set of family members. This will all rely on the issue for which you are looking for assistance.

Family counselling

Therapists will refrain from picking "sides" or pointing the finger at specific people. Instead, they will try to involve the entire family and work with you to figure out how to proceed. The normal session should last between 50 and 90 minutes, with adequate time allotted for each speaker to speak. Weekly sessions are typical, but your therapist can talk about that with you during your assessment.

Your therapist will adjust their approach based on people's ages, requirements, and preferences while taking into account your specific circumstances. For instance, play and painting may be incorporated into sessions with kids.


Family problems can occur in almost any house and it’s very common everywhere. Though it’s commonality, problems in the family can cause great stress and trouble. It’s advised to look out for additional help to resolve issues before things go out of control. Family counseling can help in making things easier for you and your family.

Tuesday 6 December 2022

Signs of Insecurity in a Relationship

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There are many signs that your relationship might be unhealthy and that you might be experiencing insecurity for some cause.

insecurity in relationship

  • Your loved one isn't really emotionally close to you.
  • Your partner no longer wants to be around you, despite always wanting to spend time with you. 
  • Your partner is frequently unhappy or agitated.
  • Your partner frequently exhibits controlling or jealous tendencies
  • You frequently get into disputes and confrontations with your partner because you need their affirmation all the time.
  • You lack confidence in yourself or have low self-esteem and experience loneliness.

Having relationship insecurity symptoms does not always indicate that your relationship is unhealthy; on occasion, you may feel insecure for reasons unrelated to your relationship that affect how you feel within.

If your relationship is expressing signs of insecurity, it's essential to look into the possible causes of these feelings and consider whether you and your partner can overcome them.

Read more: Insecurity Meaning In A Relationship

Thursday 24 November 2022

What is an employee assistance program (EAP)?

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 In the era of the corporate world EAP or An employee assistance program intended to help employees deal with personal issues that may be adversely affecting the employee's performance. 

In past EAPs had to resolve the issues like alcohol or drug abuse; but nowadays they offer support for a wide range of problems, including those involving child or elder care, disturbed relationships, financial or legal issues, wellness concerns, and traumatic events like workplace violence.

EAP or Employee Assistance Program help employees deal with their personal and professional problems that impact their job. It is a psychological counselling program where corporate employees put forward and share the problems they are facing.

And in return, EAP experts provide the right guidelines for solutions. 


EAP can be of help in different forms like-

  • Financial help
  • Boost in performance
  • Improving work relationships
  • Mental health issues
  • Help also helps with child, elder care, and substantial abuse

Tuesday 22 November 2022

Online psychological Counselling

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 Online therapy or Online Psychological counseling is a type of professional mental health counseling that is typically delivered online. Instead of traditional face-to-face contacts, skilled professional counselors and those seeking counseling services communicate through computer-aided technologies.

online psychological counselling

Psychological counselling is a secure and private partnership between licenced counsellors and clients designed to advance mental health and wellbeing, improve self-awareness, and address difficulties that have been recognised. At every stage of the counselling process, clients take an active role.

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Friday 11 November 2022

What Is Misogyny? Causes, Impact, and Coping Strategies

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Misogyny is the punishment meted out to women for challenging male dominance. It may be motivated by a dislike for women, but it is not the same as sexism.

Misogyny is frequently confused with sexism or the hatred and discrimination of women. It is a term commonly used to describe horrific acts of violence against women.


Misogyny Examples

Misogyny is demonstrated by someone who feels justified in abusing, belittling, attacking, or violating a woman simply because she is a woman. Less violent manifestations may appear in families, classrooms, or workplaces. For example, a father may struggle to see beyond his daughter's gender and may treat her differently than he would a son; a teacher may discourage a young woman from pursuing academic disciplines or career paths traditionally associated with men, such as math, science, and technology; and an employer may refuse to promote or raise a female employee's pay, regardless of the quality of her work.

Other examples include men calling women derogatory names in public or reducing them to objects by commenting on and paying attention to their physical appearance and nothing else. In general, objectification is a form of misogyny in which the woman is viewed as a sexual object designed solely for sexual pleasure and gratification.

A lesser-known form of misogyny occurs between women; women may internalize and project misogynistic messages from society at large onto one another. This may manifest as a general lack of trust in other women on a larger scale. A woman may also look down on and condemn another woman for the way she dresses or for being openly sexual, or she may feel threatened by a female competitor and seek ways to prevent her from succeeding. Unfortunately, such actions only serve to reinforce negative female stereotypes that can fuel misogyny.

Misogyny: How to Spot It

Misogyny can be overt and obvious at times, but it can also be subtle and insidious. Some examples of misogynistic behavior and attitudes are:

  • Expressing dislike for women
  • Harassing or catcalling women
  • Preference for men over women
  • Strong belief in gender roles that are rigid and traditional
  • There is no regard for women's time and effort.
  • Women being ignored or spoken over
  • Women's ideas are being rejected.
  • Taking views from women but failing to give them credit
  • Interrupting women while they are speaking
  • Women are blamed for conflict, and women are expected to maintain social harmony.

The examples above are examples of misogyny, but keep in mind that they are only a tiny sample of how these attitudes are expressed. While such behaviors are frequently displayed by men, internalized misogyny frequently leads to other women participating in such behaviors as well.

Misogyny's Root Causes

Misogyny develops as a result of experiences, upbringing, social influences, and cultural norms. Some of the factors that contribute to misogyny include:

  • Observing misogynistic behavior as a child, reaping the benefits of such beliefs, having misogynistic role models, and holding other misogynistic beliefs can all play a role
  • Growing up in a household and being exposed to misogyny is frequently a critical factor in the development of such attitudes. Researchers have also discovered a link between childhood exposure to domestic violence and emotional abuse and sexism, misogyny, and violence against women. 
  • Cultural factors to consider: Women's cultural attitudes can also play a role. Religious attitudes that suggest women are inferior, subservient, or sinful can contribute to women's contempt.

Impact of misogyny 

Misogyny appears to harm mental health and well-being, according to research. According to one study, women who experienced sex discrimination had:

  • A greater likelihood of developing clinical depression
  • More psychological pain and grief
  • Worse mental performance
  • Lower self-reported health
  • Reduced life satisfaction

Women are also more likely to suffer from a variety of mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and eating disorders. Some of these variations may be due to biological differences. However, factors such as exposure to chronic stress and trauma caused by sexism, discrimination, misogyny, and gender inequality are likely to have an impact on the disparity.

Misogyny Coping Strategies


Dealing with misogyny is difficult, but some strategies may be useful. Steps you can take to protect yourself and others from misogynistic behavior include:

  • Don't dismiss it: When you see misogynistic behavior, call it out and make it clear that it is not acceptable.
  • Please report it: Speak with your manager or the human resources department at work.
  • Remove yourself from the situation: Setting boundaries can be beneficial, but it is often preferable to leave the situation if possible.
  • Make safe zones: All women should be encouraged and supported. Work to raise awareness of the negative consequences of internalized misogyny and how it can lead to the punishment of women who challenge the patriarchal status quo.
  • Take care of yourself: To deal with stress, practice self-care, and relaxation techniques.

If misogyny is causing you distress or disruption in your life, speaking with a mental health professional may be beneficial. They can assist you in processing your experience, developing new coping strategies, and exploring options for dealing with misogynistic behavior. Consult an online therapist to vent your suffering related to misogyny.


Misogyny is the hatred and prejudice directed toward women. Misogyny can be committed by both men and women.

While there may be numerous underlying causes for misogynistic behavior, someone who lives with this mindset may not believe they are in the wrong or that they need to change.

Setting clear boundaries and avoiding misogynistic situations as much as possible can help limit their impact on your life. Supporting and advocating for women in all settings may aid in reducing the impact misogyny has on your culture.

Finally, when confronted with misogyny, you may need to reflect on your own unique needs and the challenges involved, as those who have opposed it frequently face overwhelming backlash.

If misogynistic behavior hampers your well-being, talk to a psychologist to uplift yourself.

Friday 9 September 2022

Inspirational Depression Quotes

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Depression is a mood disorder that affects your daily life by putting you with a constant feeling of sadness and dullness. It is a widespread mental health issue that affects about 10% of Indian adults.

A person may be diagnosed with depression for a variety of reasons, ranging from simple biological causes to psychological and social problems. Whatever the source of depression, it's critical to keep in mind that everyone may get support.

These quotes about depression are all about trying to explain what depression is, how it impacts us, and how to get over it.

They help us to recognize we're not alone. Even rich, famous, and successful individuals experience depression occasionally. We hope reading these depression quotes can improve your understanding of your emotions and frame of mind.

#1 Depression Quotes

Depression Quotes

#2 Depression Quotes

Depress quotes about loneliness

Sometimes quotes or saying about depression doesn’t work then we should go for professional depression counselling.

Marriage Counselling Questions to Ask Your Partner

In the complex dance of marriage, where two people set out to embrace a common dream and share in its joys and frustrations together, commun...

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