Friday, 12 August 2022

21 Days Happiness Program

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 BetterLYF 21 day happiness program is a self-reflective - evidence-based program to facilitate a shift in perspective on how we view happiness. It is a program based on introspection, assessment, tasks & concept-based experience which gives you the right tools to build happy habits.

This program works on building a personal change in you by changing your mindset and behaviour towards achieving happiness. BetterLyf 21 day happiness program is designed for people who are looking to shift their perspective toward being happier and it is also suitable for people who want to make positive changes in their life.

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Thursday, 4 August 2022

How Does Light Therapy work for Depression?

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Light Therapy

A treatment that involves exposure to an artificial light source is called light therapy, It is also known as phototherapy.

Light therapy especially treats major depressive disorder (MDD) with seasonal patterns known as SAD or Seasonal affective disorder,

These are different types of depression that happen during a particular time of year, usually in the wintertime when there’s less daylight. Other illnesses, such as sleep disorders and other forms of depression, can also be treated with light therapy. 

Light Therapy

How light therapy helpful to the treatment of Depression

 The research says on light therapy provides some reasons why it may enhance the symptoms of depression. Some of the below reasons include that:

  • works act on your biological clock by synchronising your brain's 24-hour cycle
  • It balances the activation of serotonin circuitry in your brain, which is a crucial factor in mood regulation
  • It supports regular and stable sleep patterns.
  • It increases alertness


Light Therapy

Pros of light therapy

Apart from improving depression symptoms, light therapy is commonly easy to start and modify according to how it makes you feel.

Light therapy is:

  • Accessible. It can be treated at home by using purchased or rented lightboxes.
  • Noninvasive. Although it is not administered orally, it offers a substitute or supplement to medical interventions like drugs.
  • Safe. Light therapy treatment is usually risk-free and safe, despite the possibility of some negative effects, especially when the lamp is used inappropriately.
  • Convenient. You can do a light therapy lamp at your home, while reading or eating breakfast and You can stop light therapy anytime for a particular day without adverse effects or the return of symptoms.
  • Associated with few or mild side effects. Most negative effects of light treatment, such as headaches, vertigo, or nausea, can be avoided by changing how you use the lamp.


however, if it still does not work then you can also take depression counselling with a counsellor they are mental health therapists who can provide you online therapy to deal with depression issues

Wednesday, 3 August 2022

How to have a happy married life?

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It can be difficult to believe that you and your partner could not live happily ever after when you're engaged in the excitement of your marriage. But if you've never been in a serious relationship before, it might be difficult to share your life with someone else. A successful married life requires mutual communication, love, proper understanding, dedication and love apart from this respect is also important for them to be successful and truly happy.

For a happily married life contribution of both partners is required in the same manner. There are some important practices that should try if you want your marriage to succeed.

Married Life

Communicate clearly and often

One of the best methods to maintain a happy and successful married life is to talk to your spouse. While communicating, be nice and respectful while being honest about how you're feeling. 

Express your gratitude to your partner for being in your life.

Always respect one another, your marriage, your family, and your shared existence. So some love and respect when your partner brings the grocery cook dinner, and schoolwork assistance of your child. Spending a few minutes each night telling each other at least one thing you valued about the day might be helpful.

Spend time for you two as a couple

It's simple to lose the romantic element when you have to balance work with family responsibilities. Plan special occasions, whether you want to go out or stay at home. Send your kids on a play date if you have kids so you can chill, chat, and enjoy one other's company.

Schedule some private time.

Spend some quality time with your partner this needs everyone to recharge, think, and enjoy personal interests. 

Understand that it's OK to disagree

Sometimes You might agree on some point, but at the same time, it is important to be fair and respectful during disagreements. Listen to your partner's point of view. Don't Try to get angry and don't let yourself evolve too frustrated. 

Build trust

As per Marriage counsellor criticism, hatred, defensiveness, and stonewalling are some major threats to a marriage. The more a couple engages in these harmful activities, the more probable they are to divorce. 

Learn to forgive

As we all are human being so everyone makes mistakes. Your partner may hurt your emotions or feeling or do something that upsets you, and that can make you angry, even angry. But it's important to forgive him and deal with love and respect.

Sometimes if it still does not work then you take marriage counselling with a marriage therapist, there is a relationship expert who can guide you with proper therapy techniques.


Friday, 29 July 2022

Signs That Your Marriage Is Doomed

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In Our Indian society Marriage is considered a blessing, But sometimes it can also break your heart, especially if you feel like it's the end of the line. Every individual journey through a separation is unique since there is no simple way to decide to have a divorce. You want to know if your marriage is so troubled that it can't be saved if you're thinking of making this challenging choice.

In this particular situation only you can decide if you should or should not mend your relationship. However, there is some sign that can help you decide whether a divorce is necessary. However, there are signs that your marriage can often be saved with relationship counselling and mutual understanding.

Marriage Counselling

Signs a Marriage Cannot Be Saved

  • You Often Feel lonely in a relationship
  • Lack of Affection or Intimacy issue
  • Not Spending Time with Your Partner
  • Lack of Fighting anymore.
  • Refuse to get help from your partner
  • Untreated Addiction
  • You and your partner overcompensating on social media
  • Cheating in relationship
  • Always worried about financial Problems
  • You are constantly disappointed
  • you have stayed in touch with your ex

An unhappy marriage causes stress and anxiety for both partners. Having support and direction is essential whether you stay together or separate. marriage counselling by an online therapist can help you resolve the conflicts between you and your partner.

Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Do I need therapy? 14 signs you might need therapy

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 In current era every human being at some point may feel depressed, stressed, burnout, defeated, rejected and many such emotions. When we feel emotional distress most of us tend to choose a different path, few of us like to turn towards friends, some alternative to binge-eating and some face the problems as they are and some like to watch TV. 

So when do we know we need therapy?

Usually some people approach therapists when experiencing major life stressors like grief after loss of your loved one, relationship issue, and stress due to transition. 

Know the sign when we need online counselling or therapy.

Monday, 18 July 2022

An Overview of Summer Depression

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An Overview of Summer Depression

The depression happens to due the summer weather is known as summer depression, Usually, Summers bring happiness and warmth to most of people. But it is not for all cases. Some times arrival of summer makes some individuals mental ill. SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder is the name for this condition. 

Major Symptoms of Summer Depression 

The signs and symptoms of depression in summer are frequently different from those of SAD in the fall and winter. Most summer depression sufferers experience symptoms that start in late spring or early summer and end in the fall. Among the more widespread symptoms are:

  • Weight loss
  • Irritability
  • Agitation
  • Stress & Anxiety
  • Restlessness
  • Sleep Issue

Read Also - Depression Quote

Read more: Cause, Diagnosing Summer Depression

of Summer Depression and more

Thursday, 14 July 2022

Does Marriage Counseling Really Work or Not?

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Does Marriage Counseling Really Work or Not?

In the modern era, there are many marriage conflicts happening due to different expectations of couples, But now the question is Does marriage counselling or therapy really work, Many people ask the question if marriage counselling or therapy can save their marriage or not. The answer totally depends on different factors outside the counsellor’s capabilities. 

Marriage Counseling

Marriage counselling can be beneficial for any couple who really wants to find ways to make their marriage life better. It can be helpful at different points in a relationship and can address a wide variety of issues that might exist in a marriage

  • More youthful couples may get help from marriage counselling that helps them establish healthy communication and habits early on in a marriage. As per the study counselling prior to marriage could also assist empower couples to take action to maintain their relationship over the long term.

  • Couples who want to work on transforming themselves can also get benefits. Counselling can be more effective when both partners are open and willing to look at their own flaws and are willing to make changes.


Marriage Counselling Questions to Ask Your Partner

In the complex dance of marriage, where two people set out to embrace a common dream and share in its joys and frustrations together, commun...

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