Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Online psychological Counselling

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 Online therapy or Online Psychological counseling is a type of professional mental health counseling that is typically delivered online. Instead of traditional face-to-face contacts, skilled professional counselors and those seeking counseling services communicate through computer-aided technologies.

online psychological counselling

Psychological counselling is a secure and private partnership between licenced counsellors and clients designed to advance mental health and wellbeing, improve self-awareness, and address difficulties that have been recognised. At every stage of the counselling process, clients take an active role.

Read more: https://www.betterlyf.com/

#psychologicalcounselling #onlinepsychologicalcounselling #mentalhealth #onlinetherapy

Friday, 11 November 2022

What Is Misogyny? Causes, Impact, and Coping Strategies

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Misogyny is the punishment meted out to women for challenging male dominance. It may be motivated by a dislike for women, but it is not the same as sexism.

Misogyny is frequently confused with sexism or the hatred and discrimination of women. It is a term commonly used to describe horrific acts of violence against women.


Misogyny Examples

Misogyny is demonstrated by someone who feels justified in abusing, belittling, attacking, or violating a woman simply because she is a woman. Less violent manifestations may appear in families, classrooms, or workplaces. For example, a father may struggle to see beyond his daughter's gender and may treat her differently than he would a son; a teacher may discourage a young woman from pursuing academic disciplines or career paths traditionally associated with men, such as math, science, and technology; and an employer may refuse to promote or raise a female employee's pay, regardless of the quality of her work.

Other examples include men calling women derogatory names in public or reducing them to objects by commenting on and paying attention to their physical appearance and nothing else. In general, objectification is a form of misogyny in which the woman is viewed as a sexual object designed solely for sexual pleasure and gratification.

A lesser-known form of misogyny occurs between women; women may internalize and project misogynistic messages from society at large onto one another. This may manifest as a general lack of trust in other women on a larger scale. A woman may also look down on and condemn another woman for the way she dresses or for being openly sexual, or she may feel threatened by a female competitor and seek ways to prevent her from succeeding. Unfortunately, such actions only serve to reinforce negative female stereotypes that can fuel misogyny.

Misogyny: How to Spot It

Misogyny can be overt and obvious at times, but it can also be subtle and insidious. Some examples of misogynistic behavior and attitudes are:

  • Expressing dislike for women
  • Harassing or catcalling women
  • Preference for men over women
  • Strong belief in gender roles that are rigid and traditional
  • There is no regard for women's time and effort.
  • Women being ignored or spoken over
  • Women's ideas are being rejected.
  • Taking views from women but failing to give them credit
  • Interrupting women while they are speaking
  • Women are blamed for conflict, and women are expected to maintain social harmony.

The examples above are examples of misogyny, but keep in mind that they are only a tiny sample of how these attitudes are expressed. While such behaviors are frequently displayed by men, internalized misogyny frequently leads to other women participating in such behaviors as well.

Misogyny's Root Causes

Misogyny develops as a result of experiences, upbringing, social influences, and cultural norms. Some of the factors that contribute to misogyny include:

  • Observing misogynistic behavior as a child, reaping the benefits of such beliefs, having misogynistic role models, and holding other misogynistic beliefs can all play a role
  • Growing up in a household and being exposed to misogyny is frequently a critical factor in the development of such attitudes. Researchers have also discovered a link between childhood exposure to domestic violence and emotional abuse and sexism, misogyny, and violence against women. 
  • Cultural factors to consider: Women's cultural attitudes can also play a role. Religious attitudes that suggest women are inferior, subservient, or sinful can contribute to women's contempt.

Impact of misogyny 

Misogyny appears to harm mental health and well-being, according to research. According to one study, women who experienced sex discrimination had:

  • A greater likelihood of developing clinical depression
  • More psychological pain and grief
  • Worse mental performance
  • Lower self-reported health
  • Reduced life satisfaction

Women are also more likely to suffer from a variety of mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and eating disorders. Some of these variations may be due to biological differences. However, factors such as exposure to chronic stress and trauma caused by sexism, discrimination, misogyny, and gender inequality are likely to have an impact on the disparity.

Misogyny Coping Strategies


Dealing with misogyny is difficult, but some strategies may be useful. Steps you can take to protect yourself and others from misogynistic behavior include:

  • Don't dismiss it: When you see misogynistic behavior, call it out and make it clear that it is not acceptable.
  • Please report it: Speak with your manager or the human resources department at work.
  • Remove yourself from the situation: Setting boundaries can be beneficial, but it is often preferable to leave the situation if possible.
  • Make safe zones: All women should be encouraged and supported. Work to raise awareness of the negative consequences of internalized misogyny and how it can lead to the punishment of women who challenge the patriarchal status quo.
  • Take care of yourself: To deal with stress, practice self-care, and relaxation techniques.

If misogyny is causing you distress or disruption in your life, speaking with a mental health professional may be beneficial. They can assist you in processing your experience, developing new coping strategies, and exploring options for dealing with misogynistic behavior. Consult an online therapist to vent your suffering related to misogyny.


Misogyny is the hatred and prejudice directed toward women. Misogyny can be committed by both men and women.

While there may be numerous underlying causes for misogynistic behavior, someone who lives with this mindset may not believe they are in the wrong or that they need to change.

Setting clear boundaries and avoiding misogynistic situations as much as possible can help limit their impact on your life. Supporting and advocating for women in all settings may aid in reducing the impact misogyny has on your culture.

Finally, when confronted with misogyny, you may need to reflect on your own unique needs and the challenges involved, as those who have opposed it frequently face overwhelming backlash.

If misogynistic behavior hampers your well-being, talk to a psychologist to uplift yourself.

Friday, 9 September 2022

Inspirational Depression Quotes

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Depression is a mood disorder that affects your daily life by putting you with a constant feeling of sadness and dullness. It is a widespread mental health issue that affects about 10% of Indian adults.

A person may be diagnosed with depression for a variety of reasons, ranging from simple biological causes to psychological and social problems. Whatever the source of depression, it's critical to keep in mind that everyone may get support.

These quotes about depression are all about trying to explain what depression is, how it impacts us, and how to get over it.

They help us to recognize we're not alone. Even rich, famous, and successful individuals experience depression occasionally. We hope reading these depression quotes can improve your understanding of your emotions and frame of mind.

#1 Depression Quotes

Depression Quotes

#2 Depression Quotes

Depress quotes about loneliness

Sometimes quotes or saying about depression doesn’t work then we should go for professional depression counselling.

Thursday, 1 September 2022

What Is a Platonic Relationship?

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 Two persons who have a strong bond but no sexual attraction to one another are said to be in a platonic relationship. This theory comes from the writings of the renowned philosopher Plato, from whence the term derives.

According to Plato, platonic love can help humans get closer to a heavenly ideal. The term platonic relationship or "platonic love," on the other hand, is more commonly employed in modern times to refer to close friendships. 

platonic relationship

Signs Your Relationship Is Platonic

A platonic relationship can be differentiated from other sorts of relationships by a variety of characteristics. A platonic relationship is typically characterized by the following in addition to the absence of sexual attraction:

Closeness: Both people in a relationship experience a sense of intimacy with one another and a sense of having something in common.

Honesty: Both members felt comfortable sharing their true thoughts and emotions.

Acceptance: These connections frequently evoke feelings of comfort and ease. Both individuals experience safety and personal freedom. Recognizing and respecting each other's personal space is part of what it means to be in a platonic relationship.

Advantages of Platonic Relations

Having platonic relationships is crucial for your well-being and happiness for several reasons. These are just a few advantages that having these connections could have for you:

Better Health 

Better Health  Physically, this kind of platonic love and support can strengthen your immunity, lower your risk of illness, and lessen your likelihood of experiencing depression and anxiety.

Additionally, the people in your platonic support network can make you feel better. They accomplish this by hearing what you have to say, validating you, and assisting you when you are in need.

Reduced Stress

Your mental and physical well-being can suffer immensely from stress.

Strong platonic bonds with people outside of one's immediate family and romantic relationships have been reported to aid in stress management.

Enhanced Resistance

Your ability to overcome life's challenges can be improved with the aid of platonic connections. Your platonic relationships can help you weather the storms in your life, whether they are problems in your romantic relationships, family issues, professional difficulties, or mental health issues.

Wednesday, 31 August 2022

How to deal with Procrastination

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The habit of delaying or postponing things until the very last minute or after their due date is known as procrastination. Procrastination is described by some academics as a "type of self-regulation failure defined by the intentional postponing of tasks despite possible adverse effects.

Way To Stop Procrastination

  1. Deal with Your Fear- Deal with Your Fear: One of the causes of procrastination is fear. This might include a fear of achievement as well as a fear of making mistakes or failing.
  2. Make a List – Start by listing the tasks you want to do on your to-do list. If there is a deadline you need to meet, add a date next to each item if necessary.
  3. Projects should be divided into more manageable sections- When you are faced with a big project, you might feel daunted, intimidated, or even hopeless when you look at the sheer amount of work involved. At this point, take individual items on your list and break them down into a series of steps.
  4. Determine When Procrastination Starts

Give heed to the moments when procrastination-related thoughts start to enter your head as you begin to complete the tasks on your list. You should be aware when you are ready to procrastinate if you find yourself saying, "I don't feel like doing this now," or "I'll have time to work on this later."

5. Eliminate Distractions- When you keep stopping to watch television or to check your friends' Facebook status updates, it's difficult to accomplish any serious work.

6. Reward Yourself: It's crucial to acknowledge your accomplishments after finishing a task (or even just a little fraction of a bigger activity).

7. Final Thoughts- It's difficult to kick the procrastinating habit. After all, if it were easy, procrastination among students would not be a daily occurrence for an estimated 80% to 95% of pupils. 4 When there are so many enjoyable and amusing distractions available, the impulse to put things off can be particularly powerful.

Read more: Deal with Procrastination

Monday, 29 August 2022

What are Boundaries in a Relationship and Their Types?

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Boundaries may be material, time-based, emotional, physical, or intellectual. Your needs and values must be clearly defined and the best way to meet them.

Boundaries must be established on individual needs and ideals. They enable leading a meaningful life by facilitating the use of time and resources, maintaining mental space, and maintaining psychological well-being. As a result of how we were treated as children or what we saw in our surroundings, boundaries are formed as early as childhood.

Boundaries signify what you allow and don’t allow in your relationship with others or where you draw the line from self-care to intrusion. Our boundaries can be different for various aspects of our lives. For example –

Porous Boundaries  

One can generally be porous with everyone around them or only porous in romantic relationships.

A porous border typically results in toxic relationships. Porous boundaries can cause tangling with other people.

It may look like oversharing, emotional unloading, lack of assertiveness, and need to comply with others.

  • Overshares personal information.
  • fears being rejected if they don’t do what others request.
  • Difficulty saying NO to the request of others.

Rigid Boundaries

A rigid boundary can make the other partner feel lonely in a relationship, as the person with rigid boundaries escapes from openness and vulnerability. While they may come from a place of protecting themselves from rejection and hurt by distancing others, it often leads to a lack of intimacy in relationships.

  • Very protective of personal self.
  • Maintains distance from others to prevent the chance of rejection.
  • They May seem detached from romantic partners.

Healthy Boundaries

Healthy boundaries reflect an awareness of one’s identity, needs, and values. It enables maintaining meaningful connections while respecting oneself and others.

  • shares private information in a responsible manner
  • Does not compromise value for others.
  • accepting rejection from other people.
  • In the case of rigid or porous boundaries, one can reset their boundaries for a better self and relationships.

Setting Boundaries – Porous to Healthy

Oversharing is one of the prominent characteristics of the porous boundary. It can lead to exhaustion and mismanaged relationships. This is how you can alter it:–

  • Observe where the need for oversharing comes from.
  • Is this information appropriate in the context of this relationship? E.g. co-workers
  • Would share this information honour your personal space?
  • Setting Boundaries – Rigid to Healthy 

One may often distance from relationships and open up because they might have been shut down in their past experiences. Being turned down by someone, being hurt when they tried opening up, or being told they’re being “too sensitive. Hence they formed a wall so high that nobody could cross that, not even themselves.

Initially, that wall was created to shield them from the pain, but now it has made them feel disconnected and isolated. For protection it is not required to create a great wall in China, even a small fence can do that. So you may not have to break down the entire wall at once, try to put your guards down one by one, step by step.

Try opening up with one person you feel safest with. If you are facing difficulty in your relationships due to porous or rigid types of boundaries, then you may seek the help of a relationship counsellor as he/she can help you with finding the right ways to develop healthy boundaries with others.

Read More: Boundaries in a Relationship

Thursday, 25 August 2022

Challenges in Therapy or Counselling

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Setting boundaries is the most common ethical issue faced by mental health counsellors. Sometimes it can be challenging to avoid getting close to a customer on a personal level. Because of how the therapist-client relationship evolves, clients may occasionally cross the lines or seek to do so.

Professional Ability

In general, therapists are highly trained in particular therapeutic specialities. A particular therapist might have experience working with children, assisting couples experiencing marital issues, or applying particular types of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy. A therapist must only provide the types of therapy for which they have received training.

Personal Problems

The maintenance of a professional standard is the responsibility of therapists. They must maintain the maximum possible distance between their personal and professional lives. In some cases, this can be challenging, as mental health experts are just human. This indicates that events in their lives may have an impact on their capacity to provide their customers with good counselling.

Maintaining Confidentiality

Every therapist, as well as every other healthcare specialist, is obligated to protect their patients' privacy. This implies that they are in charge of maintaining the privacy of all personal data, including contact details, intake forms, and client notes.

Maintaining Therapy

Once therapy has started, the therapist is expected to work with that client for as long as they are both benefiting from it and want to keep going. Service termination by the therapist could be regarded as abandonment.

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In the complex dance of marriage, where two people set out to embrace a common dream and share in its joys and frustrations together, commun...

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